Plugin API Documentation

You can write your own Botbot plugin by extending the core plugin class and providing one or more message handlers. A message handler is a method on the plugin class that receives an object representing a user message that has been posted to the IRC channel the plugin is associated with. The existing plugins in botbotme_plugins/plugins serve as good examples to follow. ping and brain are good ones to start with due to their simplicity.

Plugin Capabilities

Plugins provide three basic capabilities:

  1. Parse messages and optionally respond with an output message.
  2. Associate configuration variables. Useful if your plugin needs to connect to external services.
  3. Store and retrieve key/value pairs.

All plugins extend the BasePlugin class, providing them with the ability to utilize these capabilities.

Parsing and responding to messages

In the simplest case, a plugin will receive a message from an IRC channel and parse it based on a rule. When the parsed input matches a rule, the plugin may return a response.

Additional methods should be defined on your Plugin class that will listen and optionally respond to incoming messages. They are registered with the app using one of the following decorators from botbotme_plugins.decorators:

  • listens_to_mentions(regex): A method that should be called only when the bot’s nick prefixes the message and that message matches the regex pattern. For example, [o__o]: What time is it in Napier, New Zealand?. The nick will be stripped prior to regex matching.
  • listens_to_all(regex): A method that should be called on any line that matches the regex pattern.
  • listens_to_command(cmd): A method that should be called on any line that starts with the command prefix, followed by cmd. All further arguments are passed through in a list. For example, !list ops.
  • listens_to_regex_command(cmd, regex): listens_to_command, with a regex check on all arguments. For a good example of this, see the metabrain plugin, which can do things like !remember jeff bezos=filthy rich by matching against some_key=some_value.

The method should accept a line object as its first argument and any named matches from the regex as keyword args. Any text returned by the method will be echoed back to the channel.

The line object has the following attributes:

  • user: The nick of the user who wrote the message
  • text: The text of the message (stripped of nick if addressed to the bot)
  • full_text: The text of the message

Configuration Metadata

Metadata can be associated with your plugin that can be referenced as needed in the message handlers. A common use case for this is storing authentication credentials and/or API endpoint locations for external services. The github plugin is an example that uses configuration for the ability to query a Github repository.

To add configuration to your plugin, define a config class that inherits from config.BaseConfig. Configuration values are declared by adding instances of config.Field as attributes of the class. You can validate that all required fields have a value using the is_valid method.

Once your config class is defined, you associate it with the plugin via the config_class attribute:

class MyConfig(BaseConfig):
    unwarranted_comments = Field(
        help_text="Responds to every message with sarcastic comment",

class Plugin(BasePlugin):
    config_class = MyConfig

    def peanut_gallery(self, line):
        if self.config.unwarranted_comments:
            return "Good one!"

Storage / Persisting Data

BasePlugin provides a simple wrapper around the Redis API that Plugins should use for storage - it’ll handle namespacing the key in the format <bot_id>:<channel_id>:<plugin_slug>:<key_name_stripped>. This ensures that there are no collisions. This also means plugins can’t access data from other plugins or other channels.

There are four methods:

  • store(key, value): Sets key to value. Importantly, value is encoded in utf-8 before being stored.
  • retrieve(key): Gets the value corresponding to key. Returns a utf-8-encoded string.
  • delete(key): Removes the stored key.
  • incr(key): Increments the counter specified by key. This is really just a special-case version of set, but the counter is set to 0 if it does not exist, and there’s no need to retrieve the existing value beforehand.

Testing Your Plugins

In order to simulate the plugin running in its normal environment, an app instance must be instantiated. See the current tests for examples. This may change with subsequent releases.